FSVP Consulting Serivce
We are U.S. FDA Consulting Service Expert!

We provide FDA regulatory assistance to help food importer prepare what their requirements are when establishing their FSVP. There is no one solution fit for all situations, since every food importer operate under different supply-chain. Therefore, we customize our solution just for a food importer one at a time.– iFoodimports.com
What we do...
Step 1. Fully understanding food importer’s supply chain, suppliers, and other parties involved in the transaction.
Step 2. Determine whether food importer will be required to implement and which portions of the program will be required.
Step 3. Perform FSVP required verification process to identify “approved” suppliers.
Step 4. Prepare written procedures and documentation for verification process.
Step 5. Perform a corrective action if there is any issue.
Step 6. Perform reevaluations of FSVP either for cause or routinely every 3 years.
Our FSVP Verification Process
- Perform a hazard analysis for each food;
- Analyze each supplier compliance history, and combined with the hazard analysis to determine the risk of food;
- Select and perform an appropriate verification activityl
1. Annual on-site audits,
2. Sampling and Testing,
3. Review of relevant food safety records,
4. Others
- 1. Annual on-site audits,
- 2. Sampling and Testing,
- 3. Review of relevant food safety records,
- 4. Others